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FreeBSD 於 PAE 模式掛載 Samba 檔案系統

(For English version, please read previous post.)
(儘管 jnlinlwhsu 一再敦促我將 kmd.twbbs.org 的主機升級至 amd64 架構;但由於歷史因素,我的伺服器在近期仍舊會維持 i386 的架構)

一般來說,FreeBSD 使用者若想掛載 Samba 檔案系統,只要輸入 “mount_smbfs” 指令即可。其餘載入 “smbfs.ko” 模組的動作會在背景自動完成,一切要歸功於 KLD (Kernel LoaDable module)。

但是當系統以 PAE 模式開機時,採用的核心是靜態連結的;因此無法使用核心模組。類似的情況也發生在掛載光學儲存裝置時,例如:CD、DVD 或其他。

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Mounting Samba File System in FreeBSD with PAE Kernel Configuration

(Though jnlin and lwhsu are pushing me migrate the host of kmd.twbbs.org to amd64 architecture; for some historical reasons, my server will stay in i386-arch within a few years.)

In general case, FreeBSD users who want to mount a samba file system to node can be simply done by using “mount_smbfs” command; then, it will load “smbfs.ko” module automatically.
Thanks to KLD!! (Kernel LoaDable module)

But when booting the system into PAE mode, the kernel were static linked; so, kernel modules are invalid in this scenario. A similar circumstance would happen while trying mounting optical drives, such as CD, DVD and etc.
And there is a workaround….
閱讀全文 Mounting Samba File System in FreeBSD with PAE Kernel Configuration



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