40 個 PHP 效能調校的技巧

最近在玩 Smarty & XAJAX
無意間看到了 Reinhold Weber 寫了一些提昇 PHP 效能的討論

網路上雖有中國簡體字版本,但由於文化隔閡過大,翻譯無法達到 “信、達、雅” 的目標
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Taiwanese Translation for phpSysInfo

After migrating my web server from php4 to php5, the well-known system monitoring package, phpSysInfo, is also updated.
But in 3.0 rc4, the latest release candidate, Chinese language file was not included. So I made a translation this afternoon, and mail it to the authors.

Hope it will be committed in the next release.

Some Tips for VMware

  1. Network driver
  2. The default lnc driver is GIANT-locked, and is dropped in FreeBSD 7. The replacement for lnc is le and it’s present in FreeBSD 6.2 and newer, but it’s not included in GENERIC.
    So, put device le in the kernel configuration and re-compile kernel.

    Actually, VMWare can emulate Intel e1000 Gigabit Ethernet (em) hardware instead of the AMD Lance (pcn/lnc/le). To make it works, edit the .vmx file and put ethernet0.virtualDev="e1000" near the ethernet0 settings (indeed, anywhere is ok).
    閱讀全文 Some Tips for VMware

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