空の境界‧劇場版 2 – OP

2014-06-01 update:
瞧瞧 2014 年新版/Check out the 2014 edition


樂譜請至此下載/Sheet Music is Available Here



其餘的鋼琴演奏錄影,請參考本頁上方 “My Video”

之前曾與網友們討論這首無標題的 OP
但在 1:10 之後的左手聲部著實讓吃了苦頭 (對應樂譜第 40 小節之後)

所幸後來發現整首架構由 G 大調轉為降 B 大調,再轉為 D 大調
便自行補上 1:10 之後的左手伴奏
並以 Finale 2009 打成樂譜,才造就了這次的演奏機會。

在〈空の境界‧劇場版 2 – OP〉中有 17 則留言

  1. 请问能否转成midi版呢?
    我用MUSESCORE转了好久都不成功 OTL

  2. Speaking of which… Have you listened to track #23 on the soundtrack of Kara no Kyoukai Movie 3 ?
    That one I tried to transcribe but it’s too complicated lol

  3. I just checked the OST3, but I found that there’s no “Track 23” in this album.
    Did you mean Track 17 (titled M23)?

  4. Ahh yes that one (lol @ meself)
    That track is also really good…is it possible to transcribe it though? I tried with my ears, and with a MP3 to MIDI converter but all turned out bad <_<

  5. Ya~ M23 is a fabulous song.

    Now I’m planning to transcribe it when off-duty, maybe I’ll be done before this weekend. 🙂

  6. Niiiiiiiiice High five bro!
    (mumbles) successfully and indirectly talked you into transcribing it lol

    I’ve been trying to play that track for so long, It has an amazing touch in the emotion of sadness and beauty.
    it’d be amazingly awesome if you can do it 😀

    Oh and if it’s any help, I use Musescore to write the sheet musics and Synthesia to play them, they can easily be googled

  7. Hey man, I did a few more modifications to this piece according to the original mp3, making it sound more like the original. Do you have a email address that I can send the sheet file to you? see if there’s any wrong notes

  8. Sorry for late response, it’s a busy weekend.

    Sure! Please send me the sheet to kmd (at) kmd (dot) twbbs (dot) org
    Now I can feel how much you love this piece! 🙂

  9. So how is the editions i made ? 😀
    I felt that at some parts some notes are better off ignored….but meh, im a perfectionist LOL

  10. Hi, 感謝你的意見。




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