Troubleshooting for PAE under FreeBSD


In last post, we discussed how to enable PAE functionality on a FreeBSD machine. But some people may also concern the memory usage limitation of single process.

By default, every process can only allocate 512 MB memory for data size, which is defined as MAXDSIZ in kernel configuration file. To break the barrier, simply set a variable in /boot/loader.conf


or adjust the value of MAXDSIZ in kernel configuration file for static setting:

options MAXDSIZ=(2048UL*1024*1024)

But if you set the value too high without further consideration, it might be the beginning of disaster…
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PAE Configuration for FreeBSD

Recently, I’m conducting experimental simulations for my thesis, using NS-2.
It’s about mobile ad hoc networks (MANET).

In some scenario, the number of nodes in a network grows, the demand of memory also increases tremendously. Since NS-2 is a memory hungry network simulator, it’s a good idea to add more RAM for better performance.

Now, I’m putting four sticks of DDR2 1G memory module on the motherboard of my server, all memory slots are full!!

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  1. 永豐銀行 VOUGUE 白金卡
  2. 消費金額 回饋比例
    NT$3000~NT$10000 0.1%
    NT$10001~NT$20000 0.6%
    NT$20001 以上 120+(消費金額-20000)*1.2%
    *NT$20001 以上採級距式回饋,級距以下 0.6%、級距以上1.2%
    *每月回饋金額上限 NT$1000,可扣抵次月帳單

    閱讀全文 白金比一比


當時還老實以學生身份辦了學生卡,額度…只能說還不夠買我半台電腦 XD

但無論 “當飯吃” 或 “搭飛機” 的紅利點數兌換方式都讓我興趣缺缺
閱讀全文 生平第一張白金卡入手!!

Windows Update: svchost 解決方案

在使用 Windows Update 或 Microsoft Update 時
更新程式為了掃描系統,會帶出一支名為 svchost.exe 的程式
過了一段時間,這隻程式的 CPU 使用率 (CPU utilization) 會飆高到 100%
(對於雙核心電腦則是 50%,總之就是佔滿一顆 CPU 就對了)

但對於急於取得 hotfix 的未更新電腦,暴露在網路中越久就越危險

直到最近終於有解了!! 就是 Knowledge Base (KB927891)…
閱讀全文 Windows Update: svchost 解決方案

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