上次準備將桌機升級至四核心 (Core 2 Quad Q6600) 時
7/22 Intel 宣佈降價後,一直隱忍到八月中
總算以 NT$8900 入手生平第一顆四核心 CPU,穩定超頻至 3.2GHz 之後
便開始動起 server 的腦筋,打算把 server 平台也換為 Q6600…
閱讀全文 我曾擁有過的電腦平台 (續)
上次準備將桌機升級至四核心 (Core 2 Quad Q6600) 時
7/22 Intel 宣佈降價後,一直隱忍到八月中
總算以 NT$8900 入手生平第一顆四核心 CPU,穩定超頻至 3.2GHz 之後
便開始動起 server 的腦筋,打算把 server 平台也換為 Q6600…
閱讀全文 我曾擁有過的電腦平台 (續)
由於一向秉持著”不依賴特殊軟體”的原則,所以只推薦 PhotoImpact 11 之後的版本
只好把以前抓了擺在一邊的小程式 – Foto-Mosaik 與 AndreaMosaic 介紹給大家
閱讀全文 Photo Mosaic Softwares
個人電腦平台的發展,不斷地緊追摩爾定律 (Moore’s Law)
以 CPU 為準,紀錄一下從小到大使用過系統平台…
閱讀全文 我曾擁有過的電腦平台
In last post, we discussed how to enable PAE functionality on a FreeBSD machine. But some people may also concern the memory usage limitation of single process.
By default, every process can only allocate 512 MB memory for data size, which is defined as MAXDSIZ in kernel configuration file. To break the barrier, simply set a variable in /boot/loader.conf
or adjust the value of MAXDSIZ in kernel configuration file for static setting:
options MAXDSIZ=(2048UL*1024*1024)
But if you set the value too high without further consideration, it might be the beginning of disaster…
閱讀全文 Troubleshooting for PAE under FreeBSD
Recently, I’m conducting experimental simulations for my thesis, using NS-2.
It’s about mobile ad hoc networks (MANET).
In some scenario, the number of nodes in a network grows, the demand of memory also increases tremendously. Since NS-2 is a memory hungry network simulator, it’s a good idea to add more RAM for better performance.
Now, I’m putting four sticks of DDR2 1G memory module on the motherboard of my server, all memory slots are full!!